NTSB Finds Flaws in Skydiver-Aircraft Safety


WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal safety investigators called Tuesday for better government oversight of commercial skydiving operations because of too many recurring safety problems with the aircraft and pilots that fly skydivers to their jumps.

The National Transportation Safety Board reached its conclusion after conducting a special investigation into 32 airplane crashes that involved parachute jumpers since 1980, but were unrelated to the risks of skydiving.

Those accidents, which claimed the lives of 172 people, were caused by inadequate inspection and maintenance, pilot error or insufficient oversight by Federal Aviation Administration inspectors, the agency found.

While parachutists assume the risks associated with jumping out of airplanes, the NTSB said those risks should not include preventable hazards involved in flying and maintaining the aircraft itself.

“You expect to be gotten to your destination, whether it’s jumping out of an airplane or landing at your destination,” said NTSB member Steven Chealander. “The biggest safety problem that the jumper faces is getting in that airplane, it seems to me.”

NTSB officials said they are concerned that parachute jump operators who advertise to the public are allowed to fly aircraft under FAA regulations that require little oversight and surveillance despite carrying millions of skydivers each year.

The agency is recommending that the FAA work with the United States Parachute Association — an industry group — to develop guidelines for parachute jump operators to beef up maintenance and inspection programs and improve pilot training on the aircraft used in skydiving.

FAA wasn’t performing inspections

After the NTSB expressed similar concerns in 1994, the FAA decided to perform more ramp inspections of aircraft used in skydiving operations. But NTSB officials said they were disappointed to learn in several recent cases that FAA inspections often were not taking place.

NTSB member Deborah Hersman said she wants to make sure this time “we don’t get the wool pulled over our eyes again.”

“There were a number of accidents in the report that if adequate surveillance would have been performed, those maintenance discrepancies would have been detected,” Hersman said.

Alison Duquette, an FAA spokeswoman, said the agency “would take a hard look at the recommendations and get back to the board as soon as possible.”

The NTSB was prompted to launch the special investigation of aircraft safety in the skydiving industry after the July 29, 2006, crash of a skydiving plane in Sullivan, Mo., that killed the pilot and five passengers. Two other passengers were seriously injured.

A separate NTSB report on Tuesday said the probable cause of the Missouri crash was pilot failure to maintain air speed after losing power in the right engine of the DeHavilland DHC-6 Twin Otter airplane. A contributing factor was the lack of effective seat belt restraints for the passengers, which might have enabled more to survive the crash.

But the report also found such serious maintenance defects with the aircraft itself, that it decided to examine whether those problems were more widespread in the skydiving industry.

The engine, for example, may have failed because it had not been properly overhauled according to the manufacturer’s requirements. Investigators also found that the pilot flew the plane with a propeller system that had been defective for more than two months.


Published in: on November 21, 2008 at 2:05 am  Leave a Comment  

Pesawat Cessna 206 jatuh di Tanzania



Moshi, Tanzania (11 November 2008). Seperti yang diberitakan beberapa media internasional, sebuah pesawat Cessna 206 milik East Africa Air Charter Kenya jatuh di puncak gunung Mawenzi pegunungan Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Empat turis yang sedang melakukan wisata udara dari Italia terbunuh namun pilotnya berhasil selamat.

Menurut Komandan Polisi wilayah ilimanjaro Lucas Nghoboko menjelaskan, pilot yang berhasil selamat saat ini sedang di Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) Moshi. Sedangkan kondisi pilot tersebut sudah mengalami kemajuan. Menurut Nghoboko pesawat tersebut beregistrasi Kenya tetapi dia tidak tahu persis jalur penerbangannya.

Sebuah tim telah dikirim ke Moshi untuk menyelidiki penyebab jatuhnya pesawat. Sementara polisi dan tim penyelamat belum berhasil mengevakuasi korban dari puncak gunung. 

Pegunungan Kilimanjaro yang berada di sebelah utara negara Tanzania merupakan pegunungan tertinggi di Afrika dan merupakan daya tarik bagi wisatawan asing.

Published in: on November 12, 2008 at 11:05 am  Leave a Comment  
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Kecelakaan Helikopter stasiun TV Houston, 2 meninggal

Helicopter Crash

Conro, Texas (13 Oktober 2008). Seorang pilot dan kameramen meninggal dalam kecelakaan yang terjadi pada hari Senin 13 Oktober 2008 di Conroe, Texas dalam perjalanannya untuk meliput berita. KTRK TV melaporkan helikopter tersebut telah di sewa untuk syuting sebuah scene oleh stasiun TV Houston ketika jatuh di bagian hutan dekat Conroe, disebelah utara kota Houston.

Stasiun TV lokal menayangkan video pohon-pohon yang terbakar akibat kecelakaan helikopter tersebut dan juga serpihan-serpihan badan pesawat. Skyeye logo yang ada dibadan helikopeter tersebut terlihat dalam satu serpihan.

“Kita semua yang ada di KTRK-TV sangat berduka atas kecelakaan yang terjadi dan menyatakan bela sungkawa kepada keluarga pilot dan kameramen tersebut,” kata juru bicara KTRK-TV Tom Ash.

Penyebab kecelakaanyang terjadi pada pukul 11.30 siang tersebut tidak langsung diketahui. Autoritas dari FAA (Federal Aviation and Transportation) dan NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) langsung menuju tempat kejadian untuk melakukan investigasi seperti yang dikatakan oleh Sgt. Kenneth Hiebert dai Departemen Keselamatan Umum.

“Semua terbakar,” kata Hiebert.

Ada beberapa rumah yang ada disekitar kejadian namun tidak ada kerusakan.

Helikopter itu adalah jenis Bell 206L4 milik Helikopter.Inc. Juru bicara perusahaan Seva Kaiser mengatakan dia tidak tahu persis berapa umur helikopter tersebut. Dikatakan bahwa perusahaan telah menyewakan pesawat ke sekitar 70 organisasi pencari berita.

Sumber : http://www.aviation.com/safety/ap-081014-helicopter-crash.html

Published in: on November 12, 2008 at 6:04 am  Leave a Comment  
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